Eternity Warriors 3 Hack Unlimited Gems

Application Name: Eternity Warriors 3
Current Version: 0.1.0
iTunes Url:

Pleas Note: This hack works 100% no fake like others hack out there on internet we provide 100% working hacks to our user if you have any problem regarding this game while applying the hack just contact us thanks ,


  works for jail-broken Device only
   1-Gives you 7,000,000 tokens/credits/whatever.. each time you watched a video (NOT FROM TAPJOY)


1. Download the game run it close the game
2. close the game from multitask
3. Download this hacked file from link given below!
4. extract it!
5. put the extracted files into  /var/mobile/Application/
throw (iFile, DiskAid, iFunBox) 
6.Use iFile, Go to .deb press it then select "Installer"
7, Launch the game enjoy the hack,

Step 1: (Important)


Step 2: