Happy Goku's day :)

Happy Goku Day! May 9, 2015 is now officially recognized by theJapan Anniversary Association as “Goku Day”!
Why May 9? Because in Japanese the number 5 is pronounced go (五) and the number 9 is pronounced kyū(九), or lazily, ku. Thus, Goku.

Goku’s Japanese voice actress, Masako Nozawa, attended an event after a screening of Resurrection of ‘F’ on Saturday in Shinjuku to commemorate the new day.

Sunday is Mother’s Day, so a ‘Goku’ actor surprised Nozawa-san on stage with a bouquet of 59 carnations along with the official certificate. He presented them to her as the “Mother of Dragon Ball.”
Nozawa-san responded by saying:
“That’s sneaky of you. I’m gonna cry!”
She added that to her, Goku does feel like her own child.

Nozawa-san said that she hated voice acting work at first because she began her career as a stage actress in a troupe [which was more dignified at the time]. But through several auditions she was awarded the roles of young boys in Western films. Through that she became popular, and before she knew it she had started her new career as a voice actress. Since then she’s always played the role of young boys. However, she really wants to play beautiful women.

She then mentioned that after she auditioned for the role of Goku, Akira Toriyama hand selected her after listening to the audition tapes. Then she continued to play the role of Goku’s children, Gohan and Goten, which is the first time this had ever happened in the industry.
Nozawa-san said, “I’m truly glad that I’m a voice actress.”